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eLearning on BoehringerOne

Hypertension Management Across the Full Patient Spectrum


Michael Boehm, MD
Professor of Internal Medicine
Michael Boehm, MD
  • 39 Mins 31 Secs

  • Self paced

    Upon completion you will earn a certificate

Hypertension affects a wide variety of patients and can be found across the cardiovascular continuum. During a webinar Professor Michael Boehm (Germany), he explained the importance of controlling hypertension, from mild-to-moderate hypertension, to those with high CV risk and those with kidney disease, as well as the role of inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system.

Estimated time of Completion: 39 mins and 31 secs.

CPD Points: 1 Point

PRC Program No: PROG-2024-82267

Hypertension Management Across the Full Patient Spectrum Course Outline

  • Concept of global risk in cardio-renal metabolic (CRM) risk
  • Main Groups of Indications Covered in Megatrials
  • Involvement of AND II Different Pathomechanisms
  • Avoidable cardiovascular events by baseline risk and extent of blood pressure lowering
  • Hypertension – most prevalent risk factor
  • Diabetes as typical example for combined CRM disease
  • RAS inhibitors as comprehensive intervention
  • SGLT2 inhibition as new kids on the block
  • Synergistic effects
  • Hypertension Prevalence by world region
  • Causes of deaths worldwide attributed to increased blood pressure
  • Blood-Pressure Thresholds at Which Antihypertensive Medications Should Be Used
  • Core drug-treatment strategy for uncomplicated hypertension
  • Fix combination pills: Improve adherence and persistence
  • Risk, Blood Pressure and Diabetes in Hypertensives
  • Symptomatic Heart Failure: Just the Tip of the Iceberg
  • HOPE – First Evidence of RAS-Blockade in Global Protection
  • Concept of Global Protection
  • Telmisartan and ramipril in blood pressure and control: Powerful 24-h reduction
  • Enhanced 24-hour Antihypertensive Efficacy
  • Telmisartan in the only ARB indicated in CV high-risk patients – representing the majority of the patients typically seen in clinical practice
  • Telmisartan has unique pharmacological profile in its class (ARB)
  • Primary Outcome Telmisartan vs Ramipril
  • Time to Permanent Discontinuation of Study Medication (ONTARGET)
  • Main Groups of Indications Covered in Megatrials: Idea of RAS-Inhibition
  • Majority of Trials with Oral Anti-Diabetics Show Neutral
  • SGLT2 Inhibitors modulate several factors related to CV risk

PC-PH-105919 | July 2024